Sunday, July 22, 2007

Look out New York the Barnes' are coming to bring down the property value!

The POD got to Maryland on Thursday and we packed front to back top to bottom over the weekend. I say we, I mean me! since the gimp is still limping around like Chester on Gunsmoke!

We had to close the door half way to keep things from falling out. We still had a few crevices to fill with things almost left behind.

We spent a couple of days living in Geneva waiting to close on the house. Bella made herself right at home at my mother futon.

We closed Thursday morning and have been unpacking and spending tons of time in the store trying to fill some of the additional space. Madison loves the fact that there is still open range for some full speed crawling.

Take a look at the Swiss Family Barnes roaming the country side foraging for twigs and berries.

Alyssa and I stepped in the pond yesterday and it was a little cold. Not sure if the Marlin we plan to stock will survive. We may just have to stick with the Sun Fish.

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