Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Another Barnes Original Completed

Well, it took me about 18 months from when I started but the dining table is finally completed. I was threatened and had no choice.

I'm not sure I like it but Missy does.


The boy just turned seven, thats right, Missy is officially 36. I just had to call that out. Make sure you remind her.

Here she is wearing on of Aaron's gifts trying to absorb some of the youth.

He really wanted a scooter. Good thing for me they were popular ten years ago and are a quarter of the price.

3D coloring books!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We're Back

Ok Ok, I know its been a while. I got absorbed into the Facebook thing and thought it would be a good way to get the pictures out. I'm over it.

Lead by example.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

New Member of the Barnes Clan

Please welcome the newest member of the Barnes Family, Ruby. Ruby is a Blue Great Dane. She comes to us from Wilmington Delaware. She has already gotten a loving welcome from everyone.

Family Reunion

I wasn't sure what would happen if you put all of us in such close proximity. I thought there might be some adverse chemical reaction.