Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Now you too can own a Barnes Original! (Closed)

Bidding has ended. Thank You to those who participated.
(Updated 04/25/08 - Ending midnight 04/30/08)

This lovely book shelf was made in the famous Barnes wood shop of the Adirondack region. It is ready for a final coat of paint and to be placed in it's new home.

The Bidding shall start at the materials value of $180. If you are interested, please send me an email. Local delivery is available but long distance delivery is at the cost of the purchaser (That means you Stephens!) This is just to recoop some cost and start the next project!

Features include two adjustable shelves, turned Bun feet and load tested to 225 Lbs (Yes, I've been on a diet!)


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Spring Concert

A rare glimpse of Alyssa in a skirt! The second and third graders put on a spring concert. It was sooooo cute!


Eric's mom, Nikki, and Madison were here for Easter. Poor Rici had to work. The whole gang got into dying eggs. Three dozen makes a lot of deviled eggs!

Aaron had more fun dying his hands. Looks like he's hulking out!

When did Easter become Christmas? Check out the loot! Kaleidoscopes were a hit.

And, of course, no Easter is complete without an Easter egg hunt. Aaron and Alyssa actually slowed it down a bit to let Madison find some.

The Federicis

I think we spent most of the month of March with Nikki, Rici, and Madison. She's growing so quickly! It's no wonder with the two fisted eating.

How cute is she????

Spring on the Mountain

Yup, this is what spring looks like at our house. I forgot that the weather here doesn't get warm until almost May. Obviously the kids have no complaints!

Aaron's Special Day

Aaron celebrated his special day at preschool a couple of weeks ago. He got to bring a snack of his choice, (dirt cups, of course!) have show and tell, tell his friends all about himself, and wear that really cool crown. He had a great day!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

She's all grown up

It seemed to happen overnight. This is the crew at rock star dress up day.

This is for formal dress up day.

The spring concert was this week. The theme was Going Green. A committee chose three cover designs drawn by students in the school. Alyssa's was one of the three chosen and handed out at the beginning of the concert.